Oh what fun! A new release,
The latest version of the film Grease…
The hungry housefly couldn’t wait,
And rushed to the cinema before it was too late !
He’d really had enough of playing cricket,
So off he zoomed to buy a ticket…
He’d always been thrifty…it was only £3.50,
He munched through a hotdog … and a cup of tea…
He topped it off with ketchup, too,
He skidded in fried onions as she flew…
A bag of chips… a dozen flips,
He knew that dinner he couldn’t skip…
A packet of sweets….some sherbet treats,
The hungry housefly ate six shredded wheats !
Some popcorn and a lemonade,
He zoomed through the entire parade…
He felt a twit, as he devoured a twix,
The hungry housefly ate a ten pence mix…
The film was great, (the credits he ate !),
Then onto the pub to meet a mate !
© Jacqueline Richards 2017