The hungry housefly loved the weekend,
Zooming off around the bend…
Singing one of his favourite rhymes,
Every Sunday, he read the Funday Times….
Thirteen weeks for twenty pounds,
Was enough to send anyone spinning around…
He and the gnat, loved to live chat,
Whenever the two of them on the headlines sat…
He made a fast track to the digital pack,
The Times were so pleased, they put up a plaque…
He watched the smartphone app, sat on the Editor’s cap,
Then head off round the office, in a ten metres lap !
He hadn’t been this hungry in ages,
By the tea break, he’d devoured ten pages….
So much to read, so much to eat,
He nibbled the corner of the newspaper sweet treat…
For lunch, the editorial he crunched,
Then on a political comment he munched…
Through the economics he flew,
Every programme on the TV and radio, he knew !
The Financial Times and the business section,
The Times was his hungry housefly dream collection !
His name was in print in black ink !
(It was him who left six footprints in the sink, I think !!!)
© Jacqueline Richards 2017