The hungry housefly wanted some fun,
Saturday was here, and all the work had been done !
So he jumped onto the bus,
Where his chomping caused a fuss….
In the distance, he could see fairy lights,
Flashing in the darkness from full flight…
He paid a pound, to get in,
Perched on the fairground litter bin…
His eyes widened, his stomach bulged,
As on the ticket he indulged…
First, he headed to the candy floss,
Ate up three as a hungry housefly does…
He took a lick of an ice-cream cone,
His belly ached, he started to moan…
Popcorn was his favorite bite,
Five tubs just about quelled his appetite !
He munched away on the dodgem cars,
Slid down the slide and zoomed to the stars !
The hungry housefly swallowed a coconut whole,
A tasty toffee apple he then stole !
Devoured it the apple core,
Took a spin on the waltzers, then devoured some more!
Very soon, his belly rumbled,
As onto the grass the housefly tumbled…
He took a glide on every ride,
Gobbled up a dozen eggs, fried…
The ghost train left him with heartburn,
So onto the roundabout he took a turn…
Full up and tired, the housefly retired,
To come back tomorrow re-inspired !
© Jacqueline Richards 2017