The hungry housefly took a trip,
Off around England he did zip…
First to London, to see the Queen,
He was the smartest housefly ever seen…
He zoomed around the palace gate,
Chatting to the guardsman almost made him late…
At the Bank of England, he withdrew ten pounds,
Well, it was expensive business all that flying around!
Then he skirted around Big Ben,
Sometime around half past ten…
To see the Liver Birds In Liverpool,
The Beatles story was too groovy for words, so cool!
Onto Manchester down the M62,
To Old Trafford to play with Man U….
He bought a ticket for the cricket,
In Leeds at the Oval, he perched on the wicket….
The hungry housefly flew onto Hull,
The ship to Newcastle was quite full…
Onto Scotland to Edinburgh castle,
The queues down Prices street were really a hassle…
At St. Andrew’s, he played golf,
He was hungrier than a wolf!
Around the Irish Sea to Wales he crunched,
At Caernarvon Castle fish ‘n’ chips he munched for lunch…
Jolly hockey sticks ! The housefly did a dozen backward flips !
Fishing in the River Severn,
His float on a boat to Bristol was Heaven !
The hungry housefly was now in full flight,
A thousand metres above the Isle of Wright…
Across the Channel, near to France,
The hungry housefly did a merry dance !!!