On Saturdays, the hungry housefly went to the market in town,
He loved a look in the library and meet his friends who came down…
He took the bus, without much fuss,
Clearly signed, “To Antrobus”…
He knew his way, off by heart,
Waited at the bus-stop to depart…
He bought a first class ticket, for a seat upstairs,
Hoped to soon be watching the cricket, and nibble on one of his pears…
Down the street, the hungry housefly flew,
Rushing as a little bit late, as housefly’s often do…
He glanced at the clock on the town hall,
Zoomed down the High Street, too fast to see, at all…
In the market, he looked around,
Five hundred metres off the ground…
From up above, he had a great view,
Of the butcher’s and a steak or two…
In the dairy, he could spot,
All the yoghurt and milk they’d got…
He started munching on a cracker,
The hungry housefly was a heavenly snacker…
Then a biscuit, a dozen custard creams,
Another bourbon was one of his housefly dreams…
He crunched on an apple from the vegetable stall,
After all that eating, he wasn’t all that small…
Nibbling on a carrot and swede, indeed,
Didn’t quell his hungry housefly greed…
The hungry housefly took another bite,
But it didn’t quite satisfy his appetite…
So he gobbled up a bunch of grapes or two,
Another cake, then off he flew !
© Jacqueline Richards 2017