The hungry housefly took a trip,
Off to London he did zip….
Passing by Westminster bridge,
He paused and munched on his first sandwich…
Brown bread, white bread, cheese, egg and spam,
Beef spread and ham, butter and jam…
He stopped off on the top of St. Paul’s,
And sucked on a dozen aniseed balls…
Tucked into a cake, then quite a few more,
Then off to Buckingham Palace he flew at four….
In first gear, faster than Superman,
To meet the Queen was his banqueting plan….
With the Prince and Princesses, he took lunch,
He was so greedy that a flag, he did crunch !
In Hyde Park corner, he took a ride on the slide,
The litter bin was a great place for a hungry housefly to hide ….
It wasn’t long before he tucked into a flan
A bag of crisps, a lollipop, then off he span…
By the time he got to Notting Hill,
The hungry housefly was chomping still…
Feeling ill, he took a pill, He forgot to pay the bill !
On the Houses of Parliament, he took a bite,
But nothing could quell his hungry appetite…
Then onto Big Ben, he raced at speed,
For his one o’ clock, two o’clock, three o’ clock feed…
Off to the West End, the hungry housefly zoomed,
In the distance, the sign for “Cats” loomed…
He bought a ticket for a front row seat,
(Though he could only see their furry feet !)…
A newspaper or two, on Fleet Street,
There was still plenty left to eat !
He quickly put on a pound or two,
So off to the Bank of England he flew…
He opened an account and £10 he loaned,
To buy another hot dog… his belly groaned…
Down the Thames, he sailed on a barge,
He was fast becoming quite large ….
So at the O2, he rested a while,
Bathed in the Sun, with a fully, fed-up smile…..
© Jacqueline Richards 2017