There as once a hungry goose - who escaped from Farmer Gile's farmyard, when his noose was loose. He flew right over the farmyard and narrowly crashed into the barn - he was flying that hard ! On his way from here to Hungary, the loose goose was, of course, rather hungry. He stopped off in a field for a snack - and picked off one or two gooseberries from the bushes at the side of the track. Very soon, his feathers were covered in gooseberry juice - and he was rather a sticky goose on the loose. He took an enormous bite and crunched to his heart's delight - chomping gooseberries with all his might. Soon, on the bush, there were only leaves - as well as one or two of the crows who flew in from the wheat sheaves ! Although his belly rumbled, he didn't stop - he rushed upto the gooseberry bush and stumbled - and ate every gooseberry from the bottom to the top.
How many smaller words can you make from the title "The Hungry Goose Who Ate Too Many Gooseberries" ?
1. If the goose ate 3 gooseberries every 2 minutes, how many gooseberries is that in one hour ?
2. If this amount was only one third of the total number of gooseberries on each bush, what fraction, decimal and percentage remained ?
3. If the goose ate one quarter of the gooseberries off the bush in 45 minutes, how long did he take to eat them all ? Give your answer in minutes and hours.
4. Work out how many gooseberries were on each bush.
5. If the goose dropped 1 : 8 of the gooseberries, how many a) were dropped ? b) did he actually eat ?
© Jacqueline Richards 2007
Answers : 1. 3 (60 / 2 = 30) = 90 2. 2 / 3 = 0.6 = 66 % 3. 45 x 4 = 180 mins = 3 hours 4. 90 x 3 = 270 5. a) one part = 270 / 9 = 30 b) 8 x 30 = 240