The hungry crane who ate a crane ... started by eating fish as most cranes do ... but as the fish was clever and swam away, the crane had to stop fishing for the day. The hungry crane who ate a crane practised his fishing in the pond down the lane. Sometimes, if he was lucky with his fishing rod, the hungry crane caught a cod. Other times, when he was less lucky, all he caught was a cold. If the weather wasn't so good, or if in fact, there was a fog, the hungry crane was mistaken again ... and gobbled up a lillypad belonging to a frog. Once, the hungry crane accidentally missed as he fished. By the end of the day, the hungry crane had caught two trees, three flowers and four twigs. The hungry crane picked up his net ... and to this day, is still fishing snails, I bet. The hungry crane who ate a crane, loved to eat the bread crumbs thrown to the ducks, but often he slipped over, as his wading feet got stuck in the mucky brook. When it started to rain, the hungry crane got a train, but he was so hungry, he ate the track, no wonder that his toothache came back. When he was in the park, playing cricket, the hungry crane gobbled up his train ticket. The hungry crane came across some builders, one day, and saw they were building a house made of bricks. Within a minute, he'd licked the stick. He decided to take a look and swallowed two pebbles dropped by the builder. The hungry crane who ate a crane started by eating the window pane. Soon, he'd munched a door - and what's more - an enormous hole in the middle of the floor. But the hole in the roof that the hungry crane ate wasn't half as big as the hole he chomped in the gate. When he saw how tasty the letterbox looked, he really couldn't wait. He thought the doorknob tasted just great ! The hungry crane who ate a crane, stopped off for a snack, but before long, he'd got his appetite back and very soon, he'd eaten a whole block of flats. The hungry crane was so unfed, that when he baked wholegrain bread ... he started by first devouring a hole in the bed. The hungry crane who ate a crane ...started off feasting once again. Before long, as the hungry crane found his appetite appeared, in just one gulp, a whole estate had disappeared.
The Can You Crane ? Game
When the hungry crane was fishing for fish, he slipped in mud and took a bite off some of these words. Can you help by adding the letters "CR" to spell these correctly ?
__eativity __imson __unch __eated __eam __own __usty bread __amped __adle __acked __aftsman
© Jacqueline Richards 2007
Answers : creativity ; crimson ; crunch ; created ; cream ; crown ; crusty bread ; cramped ; cradle ; cracked ; craftsman