Tuck the Toucan, being such a chatterbox,
Could chat the hind legs of a donkey (including his socks !)
Perched on the beach of a tree,
He muttered to himself merrily....
When Christopher the Crocodile complained about the noise,
It ruffled his feathers, he was so very annoyed !
As he bristled, angrily,
A feather fell out and floated down off the tree !
"Ouch !" The toucan cried out in pain,
Trying to stick it back in again !
There was no way he could - it was bent and no good,
He looked around for something else in the wood !
First, Tuck tried a squirrel's bushy tail,
But it tickled him so he head off down the trail
Next he saw if a Fox's brush would fit,
It was so big, he couldn't sit !
By the lake, he spied a flamingo, with feathers that shone
Tuck asked if he could borrow one
With a piece of string and a splash of glue,
The toucan adored his tail so new
But when he had a fight with a duck,
The stick on tail, soon became unstuck ! He looked for another feather that perhaps he could pluck...
Far and wide he searched, without much luck
He stumbled on the branch of a tree,
Trying it on for size, it fit perfectly !
As he bustled, the leaves rustled,
He squawked so loudly, his colourful quif got tustled !
He paraded like a peacock around and about...
"Who's that creature ?" You could hear everyone shout....