Reginald T Rex was a greedy fellow.. .
He ate afternoon tea till it made his tummy bellow !
He usually arrived about half past three,
Started sipping on sips of tea
Before long he'd tucked into a scone....
Then another and another till all were gone !
His favourite was date and walnut cake
You wouldn't believe the crumbs he could make !
A slice of ham and sometimes cheese
Filled the dinosaur up to his knees
So soon he'd ordered fish, chips and peas....
Without even once saying please !
Being a dinosaur, Reginald didn't stop....
As another sugar lump in he did drop
He poured a drink from the coffee pot
Within ten minutes he'd eaten the lot !
The knife, fork and spoon soon disappeared,
When he left, everybody cheered!
Luckily there was one good thing about his appetite,
The load in the dishwasher was light that night !
In the cupboard, not even a plate was left over at the end,
He cluttered as he trundled around the bend!