Tuck the Toucan's dreams had come true !
Out in the jungle he now flew
His cage was open and he was free ...
Like everyone else, now he could go on a shopping spree !
Now he was freed - no more bird seed !
Perhaps some fruit was what he needed, indeed !
So perched upon the branch of a tree,
Counting bananas - there were a hundred and three !
With his new perch, Tuck was delighted,
He jumped up and down, he was so very excited
The branch wobbled quite a bit,
Making it difficult for Tuck to sit !
His foot ungripped, Tuck then tripped,
He tried to hold on but off the branch he slipped !
He landed on the ground,
The crash was a terrible sound,
In squashed bananas he was found
With his beak bent, to the doctor's he went....
He asked for some money to pay the rent !
The doctor said "Spend a week in bed !"
He bandaged his beak, by now sore and rered !
Reassured Tuck he would be alright !
Tuck looked really quite a sight,
He sucked a pill - and tucked down for the night !
Tuck woke up with an enormous pain
His beak was hurting him again !
Unable to sleep, he counted sheep ...
Which sent him off to dreamland deep
And what do you think he dreamed about ?.....................................................