Most dinosaurs are clumsy and slow,
It takes them hours to get where they want to go.....
Whenever they decide what route to take,
Around them, there's usually a trembling earthquake....
The stegasaurus was short and fat,
He crumpled every flower in his path... and left the grass completely flat !
The brontosaurus similarly .... broke the forest's every tree
But Reginald T Rex was a different kind of chap,
With his nimble legs he travelled at one hundred miles per hour (after taking a nap !)
He yawned at dawn...then head over the lawn....
He soon made it to the river and through five fields of corn !
Reginald then head up the hill,
Over the mountaintop - l hear he's going still !
In first gear, he sped at a hundred miles per hour....
An ancient dinosaur with incredible power....
All the other animals tried to catch him....
But not of them were so fit, trim or slim!
In a TT race across Jurassic park,
Reginald the T Rex left his mark....
He won the race, being an agile fellow,
Arrived in first place and gave very loud bellow !
Hooray ! Hooray ! You could hear him say.....
(The others it took till the 5th of May !)