"Jumpin' Jack flash ! He's at it
again !",
The eggs, bacon and mushroom started to complain...
Out of the pan, in the middle of the cooking,
The athletic baked bean jumped up no - one was looking !
Jake was feeling a bit hot on the gas, of course,
So decided to swim out the bubbly, tomato sauce...
The adventure was going to be a little bit tricky,
He left a trail, tasty but sticky !
Jake leapt onto the dishwasher then slipped by the sink,
Tripped and fell in the bin - uurrgghh ! What a stink !
He rolled out of the window and along the street...
Dodging all the cars and the people's feet !
Jake leap frogged at approximately a hundred miles per hour,
An energetic baked bean with supersonic power !
On the kerbside, he did some window shopping,
He jumped onto a helicopter that on the roof was stopping...
Then onto a spaceship that was passing by
A travelling baked bean a thousand miles high in the sky !
So between all the stars in the universe,
Jake jumped onto Mars where the temperature got worse !
It was hot up there - a million and one degrees !
And the red dust made the baked bean sneeze !
Back down to the kitchen, on Earth, he shot,
Jake made a soft landing on Tommy's toast......he got stuck in and ate the lot !