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Inspector Spectre

Writer: jjacquirjjacquir

Updated: Oct 25, 2017

Inspector Spectre Investigates A Disappearance At Train Station

There were so many disappearances in Inspector Spectre's town that even all the clues to the investigation that he was conducting seemed to vanish too.

The station - master called Inspector Spectre one day,

Saying that someone had taken his sign away.

He feared the passengers would7 disembark at the wrong place ... So Inspector Spectre was soon hot on the case. The most obvious place that he started to look, Was in the Lost and Found, where most lost and found things were took. He found an umbrella - a mystery solved -

The station master was glad he'd got the Inspector involved. Next the Inspector looked in the cloakroom, But all he found was a mop bucket and broom. He did, however, notice that discarded things,

Were generally put in the litter bin. So that's where he decided his investigation should begin.

Eventually, the Inspector did find the station master's sign, Next to the clock, which told the time and a train timetable, which read a train was due to arrive at half past nine.

It had been the wind that had turned the sign around ... And pointed the waiting room sign towards the lost and found ! How much did you understand the poem ?

1/ Why did the station master telephone Inspector Spectre ?

2/ What did the station master fear ?

3/ Where did Inspector Spectre look first for the sign ?

4/ What was the only thing that he found ?

5/ What did the Inspector find in the cloakroom ?

6/ When was the next train due to arrive ?

7/ Where was the train station sign pointing ?

© Jacqueline Richards 2007

Inspector Spectre Investigates A Disappearance At The Tea - Shop

There were so many disappearances in Inspector Spectre's town that even all the clues to the investigation that he was conducting seemed to vanish too. There were one or two clues, however, which suggested a rather hungry crook There was a trail of crumbs left all over the recipe book. The cream in the cream buns and the jam in the scones had also disappeared. In fact, when Inspector Spectre took a closer look and followed the trail, There were crumbs all over the waiter's beard. The evidence had been eaten, just as he had feared. The key to the tea - shop door had also been misplaced ... And a few coins from the till. The last I heard, Inspector Spectre was hunting for clues underneath the windowsill (and the waiter was chomping still !). Of course, Inspector Spectre was hot on the trail. He quickly found the key by the bannister rail. But the disappeared cakes were more difficult to locate ... Just to be sure he knew what he was looking for, Inspector Spectre ate a plate. The buns tasted great ! Some of the letters in these words also were eaten by the thieving waiter. Add "SHOP" to correct the spellings.

tea ____ ____ ping ____ per ____ floor ____ window set up ____ ____ ed ____ ping centre ____ keeper ____ steward baker's ____ sweet ____ butcher's ____ ____ door ____ around ____ assistant ____ counter

© Jacqueline Richards 2007

Inspector Spectre Investigates A Disappearance At The Library

There were so many disappearances in Inspector Spectre's town that even all the clues to the investigation that he was conducting seemed to vanish too. When Inspector Spectre's telephone rang, He knew it wouldn't be long before before he'd be on a case, But he hadn't expected the local librarian to call, Saying her books were all out of place ! Inspector Spectre jumped in the panda car, When he got there, he found the library door was ajar ... People were walking away with the books ! Which made the investigation quite difficult, Since he couldn't count fast enough how many they took ! He soon came up with an idea - to give everyone a ticket, Now whenever a book disappeared, it was the librarian who picked it. Opening and closing all those books, however, was good practice for a policeman .... the matter was and opened and shut case ! All of these "lib" words have a clue. Can you help Inspector Spectre investigate the disappearance to find out what was missing in the library ?

© Jacqueline Richards 2007

Inspector Spectre Investigates A Disappearance At The Zoo

There were so many disappearances in Inspector Spectre's town that even all the clues to the investigation that he was conducting seemed to vanish too. One day, Inspector Spectre got called to the zoo, and found that the cage door was wide open and the zoo - keeper didn't have a clue what to do. The cheetah had ran away too. One of elephants had disappeared - he should be easy to spot with his big, flapping ears. The zoo - keeper telephoned Inspector Spectre urgently and asked for assistance. Inspector Spectre rushed to the zoo. He was there in an instant. Inspector Spectre wrote all the clues down in his notebook ... Can you help Inspector and the zoo - keeper by filling in the gaps ? Guess where the zoo animals might be.

e ___ eph ___ nt (last seen by the hotd ___ g st ___ nd)

rhin ___ cerou ___ (last seen by the lion's c___ ge)

parr ___ t (last seen by the tr ___ ___ ) rattlesn ___ ke (last seen by the litter b ___ n) leop ___ rd (last seen by the candy floss sh ___ p ) ch ___ ___ tah (last seen by the fa__rgr__und) t ___ ger (last seen by the p___ rk) l ___ on (last seen by the g___ te) h ___ pp ___ pot ___ mus (last seen by the po ___ d)

Answers : elephant (last seen by the hotdog stand) rhinocerous (last seen by the lion's cage) parrot (last seen by the tree) rattlesnake (last seen by the litter bin) leopard (last seen by the candy floss shop) cheetah (last seen by the fairground) tiger (last seen by the park) lion (last seen by the gate) hippopotamus (last seen by the pond)

Mr Do hopeless Double Agent, He didn't earn enough money to even pay the rent ! When it came to making invasion plans, You'd be better off with a handyman, Who'd better leave nothing to chance. He got in such a jam - that his spy - catching turned a sham. He meant to go to MI5 - but he ended up in West Ham ! He lost his camera, his spy manual, too Now when it came to double dealing, he didn't know what to do ! When his boss was looking for the culprit who'd made the clumsy mistake, Double Agent Doughnuts, of course, was off on his coffee break ! Although awarded postumously for his bravery, Double Agent Doughnut's camera still had no battery ! To see what the matter could be, The Prime Minister called for a meeting, on Saturday, "What've YOU been upto !?", was his greeting, Before he'd left, Jim Doughnuts had broken the central heating ! He plot so often, his head got in a spin, When it came to solving puzzles, he didn't know where to begin. Double Agent Doughnuts was known far and wide, For dropping important briefcases, with even more important documents inside ! Double Quick Mathematics Quiz Write a mathematical equation to show your working ourt to the following maths problems.

1/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts got in a taxi to HQ, costing £4.67 - how much change did he receive from £5.00 ?

2/ Agent Jim Doughnuts lived in a secret location, known only to the Queen and the Prime Minister. He travelled home from the office, 56.9 km North of London, 45.9 km West of Birmingham and 13.9 km East of Carlisle. How far did he travel in total ?

3/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts visited MI5 three times a week - how often is that in 3 years ?

4/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts lost him camera approximately once every five times he was at the railway station in cognito. Express this as a ratio, fraction, percentage and decimal. 5/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts was a master of disguise. He changed his hat 6 times on Mondays, 7 times of Tuesdays, 3 times on Wednesdays, 4 times on Thursdays and twice on Fridays. How many times is that in one week ?

6/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts went to buy a secret map to find the location of the airport for his latest trip to South East Advocado. They should have cost £9.99 but there was a 60% reduction - how much did he pay ?

7/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts needed to exchange some currency for the trip. The exchange rate was £1 : 1.5 South East Advocado Larmas. How many larmas did he get for £1000 ?

8/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts wore a Mackintosh coat and carried a black umbrella. (Being a hopeless double agent), he accidentally left it at the train station, where it was placed in the lost and found with five other black, 6 red, 14 blue, 12 green and 13 pink umbrellas. a) Express the number of black umbrellas as a ratio of the total number of umbrellas. b) Express all the umbrellas as a ratio. c) What percentage of the total number of lost and found umbrellas were black ?

9/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts bought a coach ticket to the capital costing £9.99. The return was £1.99 cheaper - what percentage is that of the total price ?

10/ Double Agent Jim Doughnuts bought twice as many doughnuts for the trip, of course ! One cost £0.25 - so how much did 15 cost ?

Coded Message To Double Agent Double Cream

Written on his handkerchief inside his top pocket were Double AgentDoughnuts departure plans. They were were so top secret that they were written in number s rather than letters. If 2 = A, 4 = C, E = 5, T = 9 and D = 3. What does the following message say ?

1. 35p2r9ur5 9im5 08. 47 from g295 9w5lv5.

2. M559 2g5n9 3oubl5 4r52m ou9si35, 29 9h5 92xi r2nk, wh5r5 h5'll be 3riving 92xi numb5r s5v5n9y - six.

3. S92y in Ho95l 3oubl5 Pric5, room numb5r 5l5v5n. 9h5 4h2mb5rm2i3 2lso works for MI5. 4. G59 your mission ins9ru4tions 29 br52kf2s9, s5rv5d 29 9 o' clock.

5. R5por9 b24k 29 3l3v3n o ' clock

1. __ __ p__ r__ ur__ __im__ 08. 47 from g__ __ __ __w__lv__.

2. M__ __ __ __ __ __n__ __oubl_ __r__ __ m ou__si__ __, __ __ __h__ __ __ xi r __ nk, wh__r__ h__'ll b__ __rivin__ __ __xi numb__r s__ v__ nty - six.

3. St__y in Ho__ __l __oubl__ Pric__, room numb__r __l__v__n. __h__ __h__mb__rm__id __lso works for MI5.

4. G__ __ your mission ins__ruc__ions __ __ br__ __kf__s__, s__ rv__ __ __ __ 9 o' clock. 5. R__por__ b__ck __ __ __l__v__n o ' clock

Double Agent Jim Doughnut's Secret Code

Double Agent Jim Doughnuts hid his instructions in a newspaper, where they were coded. Can you spot them ? Circle the word "code" and give an example of where they can be used in a sentence. postcode______________________________________________________________________________________________________



false code


area code



dialling code____________________________________________________________________________________________________

highway code___________________________________________________________________________________________________

morse code____________________________________________________________________________________________________

zip code______________________________________________________________________________________________________

country code____________________________________________________________________________________________________

genetic code___________________________________________________________________________________________________

penal code_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

time code______________________________________________________________________________________________________ skoda (that one's a trick !) ===================

The Coded Y Message to Jim Doughnut From Double Agent Cream

Jim Doughnut found some important information ! There were lots clues ! But he didn't want anyone else to know, so Double Agent Doughnut coded them in a message. Substitute 1 = E, S = 2, D = 3 and A = 4

1. 4 M42t1r crimin4l is pl4nning 4n 4rt robb1ry n1xt Tu1234y.

2. Th1 p4inting is worth $5 million.

3. Th1r1 is 4 g4ng of 21v1n 4rt thi1v12 living in North Fi1ld2.

4. H1 h43 4lr143y p4i3 4 31po2it of $250,000.

1. __ M__ __ __r crimin__l is pl__nning __n __rt robbery n__xt Tu__ __ __ __y.

2. The __ p__inting is worth $5 million.

3. Th i__ __ g__ng of __ __v__n __rt thi__v__ __ living in North Fi__ld__.

4. A rich million__ir__ bu__in__ __ __ m__n to pl__nning to buy th__ __ tol__n p__inting.

_ h__ 3 __lr__ __ __y p__i__ __ __ __po__it of $250,000.

Double Take Spelling Mathematics Quiz

Add "double" to complete these words and phrases when "double" may be used.

__ __ __ __ __ __ act __ __ __ __ __ __ agent __ __ __ __ __ __ breasted suit __ __ __ __ __ __ dealer __ __ __ __ __ __ figures __ __ __ __ __ __ glazed __ __ __ __ __ __ jointed __ __ __ __ __ __ entendre __ __ __ __ __ __ storey __ __ __ __ __ __ take __ __ __ __ __ __ talk __ __ __ __ __ __d up __ __ __ __ __ __ or quits __ __ __ __ __ __ portion __ __ __ __ __ __ time __ __ __ __ __ __ pay __ __ __ __ __ __ cross __ __ __ __ __ __ salary on the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ yellow lines =======

Double Agent Jim Doughnuts Secret Microchips

To spy on master criminals, Double Agent Jim Doughnut's secret microchips were hidden all over the place.

Can you spot the "chip" in these words ? Circle it and make a sentence using this as an example.

woodchip _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipped glass _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

casino chips _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipped teacup _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipped plaster _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

to chip in _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

potato chips _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

when the chips are down _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipmunk _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chip off the old block

chip pan _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chip pan _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipshot _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

silicon chip _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipshot _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

blue chip _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipshot _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chip on his shoulder _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

chipshot _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Double Agent Jim Doughnuts At The Spy "Con" - vention

Double Agent Jim Doughnuts went to a Spy Convention where he met many of his old MI5 "con" tacts. But he lost his spy - glass so couldn't see very well at all. Can you help by adding "CON" to complete these spellings.

___ ___ ___versation ___ ___ ___vivial ___ ___ ___voy ___ ___ ___vict ___ ___ ___vert ___ ___ ___troversial ___ ___ ___cert ___ ___ ___travention ___ ___ ___tinue ___ ___ ___tinent ___ ___ ___template ___ ___ ___tend ___ ___ ___tour ___ ___ ___tain ___ ___ ___tract ___ ___ ___sume ___ ___ ___sultation ___ ___ ___sist ___ ___ ___stabulary ___ ___ ___servatory ___ ___ ___firm ___ ___ ___fusion ___ ___

___gress ___ ___ ___quer ___ ___ ___gratulations =================================

The Coded Z Message to Jim Doughnut and Double Agent Cream To HQ

The pair of secret agents thought it best to let HQ know of their plans ... Here, the code is : 5 = A, 6 = E, 7 = R and 8 = S.

1. We will b6 b5ck 5t Midnight on W6dn68d5y.

2. If th6 flight d6p57ts l5t6, pl5n B will b6 put into 5ction.

3.I 5m 5w576 th5t th6 5i7lin6 pilot wo7k8 fo7 MI5.

4. Pl6586 book 5 t5xi to h65dqu57t678.

5. Hop6fully, w6 will h5v6 th6 8tol6n p5inting with u8.

1. W__ will b__ b__ck __t Midnight on W__dn__ __d__y.

2. If th__ flight d__p__ __t__ l__t__, pl__n B will b__ put into __ction.

3. I __m __w__r__ th__t th__ __i__lin__ pilot wo__k__ fo__ MI5.

4. Pl__ __ __ __ book __ t__xi to h__ __ dqu__ __ t__r__.

5. Hop__fully, w__ will h__v__ th__ __tol__n p__inting with u__.

Double Agents Cream and Jim Doughnuts' Secret Meeting Double Agents Cream and Jim Doughnuts met in a secret location - a coffee shop just around the corner from HQ. Can you guess from the coded message below what they ordered ?

The Custard Pie Game a = 1, p = 2, c = 3, e = 4 , o = 5

1 3u2 5f bl1ck 35ffee 1 b5wl 5f s5up (with 1 br41d r5ll) 1 2l1t4 5f s1ndwich4s 1 b1g 5f 3risps (ch44s4 1nd 5ni5n fl1v5ur4d) 1 2i14c4 5f 31k4 1 gl1ss 5f l4m5n1d4 (with 1 str1w !)

__ __u__ __f

bl__ __k __ __ff__ __ __ b__wl __f s__up (with __ br__ __ d r__ll) __ pl__t__ __f s__ndwich__s __ b__g __f __risps (__h__ __ s__ __nd __ni__n fl____ur__d) __ pi__c__ __f __ __k__ __ gl__ss __f l__m__n__d__ (with __ str__w !)

Hunt HQ Game

Find a map of London and locate HQ - describe how you would get there from : a) Picadilly Station b) Buckingham Palace c) Westminster Bridge d) The Houses of Parliament e) Tower Bridge

Double Agents Cream and Jim Doughnuts' Instructions Double Agents Cream and Jim Doughnuts had to pass on these instructions - but because of the rain, the ink in his "Daily Peruse" newspaper has run. Can you help ? Add "in" to these words and phrases to complete the spellings.

___ ___ side ___ ___ ner ___ ___ terview ___ ___ terpret ___ ___ fighting ___ ___ patient ___ ___ tolerable ___ ___ articulate ___ ___ and out ___ ___ appropriate ___ ___ as much as beg ___ ___ ___ ___ cident ___ ___ capable ___ ___ sensitive ___ ___ centive ___ ___ ch ___ ___ accurate ___ ___ adequate ___ ___ itself ___ ___ house ___ ___ fighting ___ ___ a word ___ ___ active ___ ___ alienable ___ ___ audible ___ ___ clude ___ ___ cinerate ___ ___ charitable ___ ___ cite ___ ___ as much as ___ ___ cline ___ ___ convenient ___ ___ competent ___ ___ comparable

inside ; inner ; interview ; interpret ; in - fighting ; in - patient ; intolerable ; inarticulate ; in and out ; inappropriate ; in as much as ; begin ; incident ; incapable ; insensitive ; incentive ; inch ; inaccurate ; inadequate ; in itself ; in house ; in - fighting ; in a word ; inactive ; inalienable ; inaudible ; include ; incinerate ; incharitable ; incite ; in as much as ; incline ; inconvenient ; incompetent ; incomparable

Double Agents Cream and Jim Doughnuts' Tape Recorder Game

The Double Agent's tape recorder is broken so they couldn't hear all the words. Can you fill in the gaps of the words that Double Agent Jim Doughnuts couldn't spell ? Add "re" to complete the spellings.

___ ___ ceive ___ ___ ceipt ___ ___ turn ___ ___ open ___ ___ act ___ ___ generate ___ ___ frigerate ___ ___ fuge ___ ___ fuse ___ ___ fund ___ ___ giment ___ ___ gal ___ ___ gard ___ ___ gister ___ ___ fresh ___ ___ tract ___ ___ fill ___ ___ spond ___ ___ ference ___ ___ duce ___ ___ dundant ___ ___ levant ___ ___ legate ___ ___ deem ___ ___ train ___ ___ ach

Answers : 1/ £5.00 - £4.67 = £0.33 2/ 56.9 + 45.9 + 13.9 = 116.7 km 3/ 3 x 52 x 3 = 468 4/ 1 : 5 ; one - fifth ; 20 % ; 0.2 5/ 6 + 7 + 3 + 4 + 2 = 22 6/ £ 9.99 - (£9.99 / 100 x 60 = £5.99) = £4 7/ 1000 + 1000 / 2 = 1500 8/ a) 5 : 50 ; b) black : red : blue : green : pink ; 6 : 6 : 14 : 12 : 12 = 3 : 3 : 7 : 6 : 6 ; c) 10 % 9/ 20 % 10/ 15 x £0.25 = £3.75

CODE MESSAGE X 1. Departure time 08. 47 from gate twelve. 2. Meet Agent Double Cream outside, at the taxi rank, where he'll be driving taxi number seventy - six. 3. Stay in Hotel Double Price, room number eleven. The chambermaid also works for MI5. 4. Get your mission instructions at breakfast, served at 9 o' clock. 5. Report back at eleven o' clock

Answers : double act ; double agent ; double breasted suit ; double dealer ; double figures ; double glazed ; double jointed ; double entendre ; double storey ; double take ; double talk ; doubled up double or quits ; double portion ; double time ; double pay ; double cross ; double salary ; on the double ; double yellow lines Answers : conversation ; convivial ; convoy ; convict ; convert ; controversial ; concert ; contravention ; continue ; continent ; contemplate ; contend ; contour ; contain ; contract ; consume ; consultation ; consist ; constabulary ; conservatory ; confirm ; confusion ; congress ; conquer ; congratulations CODE MESSAGE Y

1. A Master criminal is planning an art robbery next Tuesday.

2. The painting is worth $5 million.

3. There is a gang of seven art thieves living in North Fields.

planning to buy the stolen painting. 5. He had already paid a deposit of $250,000. CODE MESSAGE Z We will be back at Midnight on Wednesday. If the flight departs late, plan B will be put into action. I am a44. ware that the airline pilot works for MI5. Please book a taxi to headquarters. Hopefully, we will have the stolen painting with us.

Custard Pie Game a cup of black coffee a bowl of soup (with a bread roll) a plate of sandwiches a bag of crisps (cheese and onion flavoured) a piece of cake a glass of lemonade (with a straw !)

Answers receive ; receipt ; return ; reopen ; react ; regenerate ; refrigerate ; refuge ; refuse ; refund ; regiment ; regal ; regard ; register ; refresh ; retract ; refill ; respond ; reference ; redundant ; reduce ; redundant ; relevant ; relegate ; redeem ; redeem ; retrain ; reach

© Jacqueline Richards

Inspector Spectre's Sus - picious Sus - pect Game

Circle the letters "S - U - S" inside these words. suspension suspect consensus sustain sustainable resuscitate suspended sustainable sustain suspicious susceptible suspense sustenance sustained census

Inspector Spectre's Photo Fit

Which of the Jack and the Beanstalk characters committed the robbery ? Can you guess from the clues they left behind whodunnit ?

1. The crook flew from outer space and wasn't even a member of the human race - Aliens

2. The crook oinked loudly and hid the murder weapon by the farmyard pig - sty - Penelope Pig.

3. The crook left a red nose and a dickie bow - tie behind as he left the crime scene - Chuckle Buckle.

4. The culprit left a trail of muddy footprints which Inspector Spectre followed to the cowshed - Farmer Giles.

5. The culprit left a space helmet and meteorite rocks at the crime scene - Astro Sputnik.

6. The crook left an arrow, a tomahawk and a feather from an Indian headdress - In'jun Joe.

7. The crook left a horsehoe and some hay - Wild Bill's horse - Trigger.

8. The crook left a stetson hat - Wild Bill

9. The culprit left three flowers and a pefume bottle - Gypsy Rose Lee.

10. The culprit left jewel from a crown and a royal decree - Queen Quaver of Quaking Quivers

11. The culprit left three acorns - Squire Squirrel.

12. The culprit left a glass slipper - Cinderella. 13. The culprit left a plum - Tom Thumb.

14. The culprit left a spider's web - Monseigneur Money Spider.

15. The crook left a sheriff's badge - Sheriff Hotdog.

16. The culprit left a mess - Miss Mess.

17. The culprit left a gym shoe - Lucy Lastic.

18. The culprit left a piece of chalk - Professor Assessor.

19. The culprit left a train ticket - Thomas Trank.

20. The culprit left a general's badge - General Genius

21. The culprit left a maple fruit - Mabel.

22. The culprit left a lettuce leaf - the tortoise who taught maths.

23. The culprit left a worm from a fishing rod - the fish from Finland.

24. The culprit left a ticket for the merry - go - round at the fayre - Bernie Bear and Harry Hare.

25. The culprit left a fossil - Ty the Tyrannasaurus rex.

26. The culprit left a holy sock - Spike the Spiky Porcupine.

27. The culprit left an apple with a big bite taken out of it - Mister I. Spy.

28. The culprit left a saucer of milk - Tabatha the Flabby Tabby Cat.

29. The culprit left a hole in the rug - Dug the Slug.

30. The culprit left a wish you were here postcard from Borneo - the boar who bore from Borneo.

31. The culprit(s) a carrot - Fluffy and Scruffy, the Bobtail rabbits and Bugs Funny.

32. The culprit left a souvenir from Nepal - Eva on Everest

33. The culprit left a melted ice cube - Eskimoes Esta, Kim and Mo.

34. The culprit left an axe - the woodcutter.

35. The culprit left a doggy bone - Russel the Bristly Jack Russel.

Can you fit the word "photo" into the gaps in the word below :

______ graph ______ grapher ______ graphic ______ graphy ______ graph camera ______ graph film

Inspector Spectre's Greatest Ever Clue

Add the letters C - L - U. in __ __ __ de __ __ __ eless in __ __ __ sion __ __ __ mp con __ __ __ de __ __ __ ck __ __ __ nk __ __ __ msy oc __ __ __ sion __ __ __tter __ __ __ tch __ __ __ nch __ __ __ b __ __ __ b - foot __ __ __ b - house __ __ __ b - sandwich oc __ __ __ de con __ __ __ sion re __ __ __ se © Jacqueline Richards 2007



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