High flying Houseflies, the Hungry Housefly was at it again,
Zooming off on holiday, somewhere in the direction of Spain !
On the way (or so they say) he rested on the wings of an aeroplane... But there, the housefly didn't stay !
A gust of wind (hardly surprising but strictly not allowed).... Blew the housefly West as he went through a cloud !
Before he knew it, he was travelling at 500 miles an hour : A very hungry housefly with supersonic power !
A butterfly came passing by, Flapping his wings fastly to keep up in a race on high....
A dragonfly, a swallow, a hot air balloon,
Joined in the race by the light of the Moon....
The hungry housefly was a delighted, As on top of the Eifel tower he alighted ! ghta !
But even the kite couldnt keep up, With the whizzing housefly, they all soon got fed up !
The hungry housefly was absolutely delighted, As on top of the Eifel tower he alighted !
From up there, he had a panoramic view, Which was very pleasant, 'cept he caught flu !
Up on the hill, the winds blew a chill, The housefly was soon chattering and needed a pill.....
Much worse, he got blown further off course, Last place in the race, when he should have come first !