One of the most magical things about Esmeralda's house (everyone knows),
Is the amazing dishwasher (yes........when it goes !)
The other day, when it broke down,
There were soap suds all over town !
All of Esmeralda's pot and pans,
Her knives and forks and baked bean cans...
Were piled up high in the kitchen sink -
She hardly expected her dishwasher to be on the blink !
So Esmerelda decided to have a clean up day,
To tidy her shelves and put the plates away...
She placed a coin in the electricity meter
(Magicked some rinse aid and checked the heater)
A dish, a saucer, her mixing spoon,
She hoped would be gleaming very soon !
Then when Esme switched it on....
Oopps ! There was a splash
(But none of her washing got done !)
With a crack, bang, then a very loud crash...
She heard a plate in the dishwasher smash !
As the dishwasher door flew open some more,
Water spilled out all over the floor !
With more bubbles than a jacuzzi whirlpool....
(They hadn't taught her this at dishwasher magic school !)
What was that ? (She almost trod on the cat !)
As some of yesterday's soup went SPLAT !
She thought quickly about what to do - waved her wand and cast a spell or two...
Abracadabra ! Gadzooks ! Pazazz !
You wouldn't believe all that jazz !
Before long, her kitchen was sparkling like new...
Brightly polished, in her broomstick on cue flew...
Faster than an alligator,
(She'd come back and sought the pots out later !)
But for now, all there was to do,
Was visit her friend at number twenty - two !