Esmeralda the witch was feeling peckish one day,
She hadn't eaten for a week (and neither had her cat Twitch away...
Her mouth watered, her tummy was rumbly,
She fancied a piece of apple pie, sweet and crumbly...
Perhaps she had some left over soup,
But just like her gravy, it was a lumpy gloup !
A strawberry tart would be a start,
The smell of steak and kidney pudding warmed the cockles of her heart !
Even a tuna sandwich would do....
But instead she decided to make some stew !
So she pulled out her cauldron pan and began to cook,
Although she'd misplaced her magic witches' recipe book !
Without her spectacles, she was hopeless ... and she made a mess...
Without instructions, her magic went all wrong, as you can guess !
First, she chopped an onion which made her cry,
So she tripped over the broomstick that she used to fly !
She added a tomato - a little bit squashed,
A dozen potatoes, scrubbed and washed !
Esmeralda's magic wand that she used to stir the pot,
Suddenly pazzazzed magnifying the lot !
Soon there was stew all over the floor,
The cat was so shocked, it headed out the door...
Esmeralda tried to turn down the heat,
But she slipped on the stew trickling onto her feet !
The stew grew and grew, then out of the window it flew,
You wouldn't believe the size of the crowd who came for a plate or two...
For breakfast, lunch, dinner and tea,
The villagers all ate stew greedily !
Trouble was of course, the kitchen had never been worse,
Than the day Esmeralda's stew got a curse !